4 Things to Remember While Experiencing Long Distance Parenting

  • Phoebe

    Long-distance parenting is hard and challenging but sometimes parents have to do it to have a good relationship with their children. Whether you have to be apart from kids because of a job or separation you will need to figure out a way to keep involved in your kid's life. If there are any legal issues between parents then they can hire a family law solicitor in Lavenshulme to help them sort things out so they can work together.It is important to remember that long-distance parenting is harder on kids than it is for parents so make sure that you put them first. Parenting from a distance may be challenging but it is not impossibleIf you are feeling lost then here are a few tips that can help you in making long-distance parenting work.

    Cooperation and communication:

    The success of long-distance parenting depends a lot on parents working together and keeping the lines of communication open. If there is no communication then it will hard for the patent living afar to keep up with the life of their child. Parents have to put their child’s needs above theirs and work together to make sure that the child is able to enjoy the presence of both parents.

    Take advantage of technology:

    When you have no option other than long-distance parenting then you need to make sure that you make the best use of technology. The channels of communication have improved a lot and now your child does not need a letter to arrive. You can call your child every day and stay up-to-date about their life. Face-time gives you important to have some one-on-one time. It is not the same as being there but it is close enough. Virtual visitations show kids that you are interested in their life. Make sure that you create a schedule for virtual visits especially if there is too much time difference.

    Stay involved:

    Involvement is crucial for successful parenting. It is important to understand that no matter how many virtual visits you make they will never replace in-person visits. No matter how busy you are you need to find time to pay an in-person visit whenever you. Be aware of important events taking place in your child’s like a first recital or an important game and make sure you are present for important moments.

    Do not spoil:

    A parent needs to understand that spoiling the child is not going to make up for a missing scheduled in-person visit. If you try to buy their affection then you will be spoiling them and undermining the authority of the parent they are living in. It is important to respect the rules out in place by the other parent and also accept that you made a mistake. Kids are forgiving and by showing them commitment you will be able to earn their love pretty easily.


    The rules for handling long-distance parenting should be mentioned in the custody agreement if parents are divorced or separated. There should be little room for flexibility and both parents should respect it.

    Post was bewerkt op 13-12-2019 08:59 door Phoebe

  • Phoebe

    Post was bewerkt op 13-12-2019 08:55 door Phoebe

  • Phoebe

    Post was bewerkt op 13-12-2019 08:55 door Phoebe

  • Phoebe

    My name is Phoebe Lambert and i am an experienced social media manager in Nextgen Media Ltd and guides you about social media, media management related topics.

  • Kessler

    =18pxParenting can often feel like trying to survive amid barely controlled chaos, so having a wise, experienced grandparent to help out can be lifesaving. But if that grandparent has trouble adhering to basic boundaries, it can feel as if the chaos has maddeningly multiplied MyLowesLife

  • Samen door de COVID-19 crisis

    AED Defibtech Lifeline kopen? Het AED merk is zeer betrouwbaar. Beschikt over zowel het FDA keurmerk als de Europese CE-markering.

    De AED (Defibtech Lifeline) is zowel te verkrijgen als een half- en volautomaat. Dat houdt in dat dit AED merk zowel geschikt is voor een ervaren AED bediener. Met een ervaren AED bediener bedoelen wij iemand die als hulpverlener werkt zoals een BHV-er.  De volautomaat is juist voor mensen die geen enkele ervaring hebben met een AED.

    Wij adviseren altijd een AED cursus of een reanimatiecursus te volgen. Het is namelijk zeer moeilijk om in een crisissituatie juist te handelen. Dus wanneer het slachtoffer een hartstilstand heeft is het van groot belang dat u rustig blijft en weet wat u moet doen.

    Een veel genoemde uitdrukking is dat de eerste 6 minuten tellen bij een reanimatie. U kunt zich voorstellen dat wanneer u iemand moet reanimeren de eerste 6 minuten voorbij vliegen.

    Door de huidige COVID-19 ontwikkelingen hebben wij besloten om HULP te bieden aan alle verenigingen en opleiders in Nederland. Wij zijn er van op de hoogte dat het aantal personen, per AED trainer, zeer beperkt is. Dat houdt in dat er of minder mensen worden opgeleid er moeten meer AED trainers beschikbaar worden gesteld.
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  • Thompson

    The first thing you've got to do when you're a few miles away from your child is to communicate regularly=10ptUpsers.

  • kroger

    Long-distance parenting is hard and challenging but sometimes parents have to do it to have a good relationship with their children. Whether you have to be apart from kids because of a job or separation you will need to figure out a way to keep involved in your kid's life. If there are any legal issues between parents then they can hire a family law solicitor in Lavenshulme to help them sort things out so they can work together.It is important to remember that long-distance parenting is harder on kids than it is for parents so make sure that you put them first. Parenting from a distance may be challenging but it is not impossibleIf you are feeling lost then here are a few tips that can help you in making long-distance parenting work.

    Cooperation and communication:

    The success of long-distance parenting depends a lot on parents working together and keeping the lines of communication open. If there is no communication then it will hard for the patent living afar to keep up with the life of their child. Parents have to put their child’s needs above theirs and work together to make sure that the child is able to enjoy the presence of both parents.

    Take advantage of technology:

    When you have no option other than long-distance parenting then you need to make sure that you make the best use of technology. The channels of communication have improved a lot and now your child does not need a letter to arrive. You can call your child every day and stay up-to-date about their life. Face-time gives you important to have some one-on-one time. It is not the same as being there but it is close enough. Virtual visitations show kids that you are interested in their life. Make sure that you create a schedule for virtual visits especially if there is too much time difference.

    Stay involved:

    Involvement is crucial for successful parenting. It is important to understand that no matter how many virtual visits you make they will never replace in-person visits. No matter how busy you are you need to find time to pay an in-person visit whenever you. Be aware of important events taking place in your child’s like a first recital or an important game and make sure you are present for important moments.

    Do not spoil:

    A parent needs to understand that spoiling the child is not going to make up for a missing scheduled in-person visit. If you try to buy their affection then you will be spoiling them and undermining the authority of the parent they are living in. It is important to respect the rules out in place by the other parent and also accept that you made a mistake. Kids are forgiving and by showing them commitment you will be able to earn their love pretty easily.


    The rules for handling long-distance parenting should be mentioned in the custody agreement if parents are divorced or separated. There should be little room for flexibility and both parents should respect it.
